Friday, September 5, 2008

Awaiting animation at UNI

With only a further 3 months until that big party at the end of the year, times crusing by, and soon i can go to UNI to study animation, and my long wait will be over, for the moment iv just been going to alot of life drawing classes and storyboarding some ideas id like to animate, currently storyboarded "Scary's fat problem" which is more of an insult to a fellow newgroundian who i believe needs some pointers, basically summed up i point out that he needs help and i send a camera man to help him with some basics that any 7 year old can understand.

this is my character inspired by the scarymovie/scream mask which scarymovieguy from newgrounds wears to detur public bashings and witch hunts. I tried to portray the character that i invision him as being a fat lazy guy who thinks the world of himself. neway more on that all later

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